Using Environmental Data Science to Better Understand Climate Change
The 2021 Summer Institute was organized by the Ridge to Reef Graduate Traineeship and supported by a National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) grant to UC Irvine. The grant is focused on the management of human-impacted ecosystems across marine, aquatic, and terrestrial environments.
This year’s institute encouraged graduate students to better understand and apply environmental data science to develop solutions for environmental challenges. This was part of the Ridge to Reef commitment to curating an engaging, application-based learning experience to enhance trainees’ professional skills. The goal of this institute was to set the stage for interdisciplinary involvement and support students as researchers. We used asynchronous lectures and synchronous collaborative workshops and activities with the intent of providing a better grasp of data management and analysis. With a multimodal approach and hands-on exercises, trainees learned to apply their skills and knowledge to the community and larger climate change solutions.
A playlist of the recorded seminars and research talks is available on the Ridge 2 Reef YouTube page.