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Kendra Walters

Kendra Walters

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Idaho

Raisha Lovindeer

Raisha Lovindeer

Postdoctoral Researcher

University of British Columbia

Brenna Biggs

Brenna Biggs

Science and Communications Program Manager

The National Suborbital Research Center with The Bay Area

Shawn Pedron

Shawn Pedron

Postdoctoral Researcher

Oulu, Finland

Juan Rubio

Juan Rubio

Mellon Humanities Faculty Fellow

University of California, Irvine

Khalaj Farzaneh

Farzaneh Khalaj


South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)

Nicole Fiore

Nicole Fiore

Postdoctoral Researcher

University of California, Irvine – Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Andrea Anderson

Andrea Anderson

Air Quality Data Scientist

Sonoma Technology

Eric J Shearer

Eric Shearer

Research Civil Engineer

US Army Corps of Engineering Research and Development Center

Jonathan Montoya

Jonathan Montoya

Visiting Scholar

Stanford University

Grace Chan

Grace Chan

Veterinary Student

UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

Elizabeth Patterson

Elizabeth Patterson


William Paterson University and NASA GISS

Amos Zerah

Amos Zerah

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

Project Lead

Hailey Laskey

Hailey Laskey

Center for Natural Lands Management

Reserve Manager

Marcus Gonçalves

Marcus Gonçalves

ICF Consulting

Habitat Restoration Ecologist